  • 出典・作者:新約聖書 マタイの福音書 6章19-21節
  • 解釈:あなたは、あなたの、あるいは神への宝を持っていますか。持っていたら、人々(=神)へ預けましょう。[守]
  • Literal:
  • Interpretation:Stop saving treasure of yours on the ground. By an insect and rust, it becomes the wound thing and a burglar empties a hole again and steals it there. Save the treasure of yours in the heaven. Neither the insect nor the rust is turned on and a burglar empties a hole and may not steal it there. This is because there is your mind in the place with your treasure.
    Do you have treasure to of you or God? Let's leave it with people (= gods) if you have.
  • Category:Christianity
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GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.